Mortimer Aristide Roderick Hawke is a human mage and the protagonist of Dragon Age II in the Canon world state.
A Ferelden refugee, Mortimer became known after he helped stop a Qunari attack in Kirkwall and was named Champion. His fame grew beyond Kirkwall when he defended the city-state's mages during the first rebellion of the Mage-Templar War.
Mortimer was the first child of Leandra Amell and Malcolm Hawke. Born in Ferelden in 9:06, Mortimer began to show signs of magic at age 8 to the disappointment of his father. Mortimer was a rambunctious child who mostly ignored his younger siblings when they were young. After Bethany showed her magic and joined her brother in his training, Mortimer took more of an interest in her and they established a sweet if not close relationship. Mortimer clashed with his more serious brother, much of the fault lying at his feet due to his frequent teasing of Carver.
When Mortimer was 14 years old his family settled in Lothering and Mortimer found himself content, if restless, in another small town. After Malcolm died, he was forced to take a more active role in the family. His father's death hit him hard and he increasingly used his humor to alleviate tense situations and suppress negative emotions. His relationship with his mother was loving but tense and while he grew slightly closer to Bethany, things between him and Carver only became more antagonistic.
In 9:30, Carver joined Cailan's army and went south to Ostagar. Mortimer stayed home both to support his mother and because of his status as an apostate.Involvement
Dragon Age 2
Escape from Lothering: When the Battle of Ostagar turned sour, the Hawke family met up with Carver and fled Lothering. During their escape, Bethany was killed by an ogre, a death Mortimer quietly blamed himself for. After meeting Flemeth and agreeing to her bargain, the remaining family were given safe passage to Leandra's home city of Kirkwall. Mortimer, still reeling from Bethany's death, took his uncle Gamlen's poverty in stride and joined up with the smuggler Athenril alongside Carver. In the year that followed, the charismatic Mortimer proved himself to be an effective and reliable smuggler and made a name for himself in Kirkwall's underworld.Act 1
A year later, no longer required to work with Athenril, Mortimer and Carver look for better money making opportunities, meeting and failing to impress Bartrand Tethras, whose planned expedition into the Deep Roads promises big rewards. Mortimer befriends Bartrand's brother Varric when the latter offers him a way into the expedition.
Birthright: Mortimer feels no personal need to reconnect with the Amell family but is interested in getting out of Lowtown and pleasing the depressed Leandra. He and Carver, therefore, rid their family's old estate of slavers as soon as they are able. Like Carver, Mortimer has trouble feeling anger towards Gamlen over the will, more frustrated with Gamlen's deception than him taking the money for himself. Even so, he leaps to his mother's defense.
Tranquility: Mortimer is rather intimidated seeking out a Grey Warden but does so anyway, doing away with some of his irreverent attitude when he finds out the man is a mage in hiding. He is even more reluctant to anger the city's templars but decides to help Anders anyway. Malcolm had warned Mortimer and Bethany about Tranquility but, before Karl Thekla, Mortimer had never met a Tranquil mage before. He is deeply affected by Karl's pleas for a mercy killing and encourages Anders to grant his wishes. Malcolm also warned his children about abominations and possessions and Mortimer is put off by Anders' situation with Justice. Anders ultimately seems decent and well-meaning, however, and Mortimer befriends him after getting the Deep Road maps.
Fools Rush In: Mortimer is immediately smitten upon seeing Isabela win a brawl in The Hanged Man and readily agrees to help her. Expecting trouble with anyone he meets in the bar, Mortimer is unfazed by her predicament with Hader and Castillion, although he is impressed by how she freed the captives on her ship. He enjoys her company and is happy to help her retrieve the relic if she ever needs his help.
Long Way Home: Mortimer nearly forgets his promise to Flemeth, being so wrapped up in getting by in Kirkwall. He visits the Dalish clan without knowing who the Dalish even are and is surprised by their hostility towards him. The cool welcome and unknown magic he is told to participate in both make him eager to be on his way. His impression on this Dalish is not helped by his own irreverence. He finds Merrill odd but charming and listens to her explanation of the Dalish and elven magic with some interest. He is considerably more unnerved by her use of blood magic and later Flemeth's appearance and prophecy-like speech. When he returns to Kirkwall with Merrill, Mortimer initially does not expect to see her again but eventually promises to out of pity. The two become friends, however, over subsequent visits.
Bait and Switch: Mortimer, ever seeking coin, accepts Anso's smuggling deal without issue. When Fenris reveals the truth behind the situation, Mortimer relucantly agrees to help. He is not keen on fighting a magister but feels morally obliged to help. He feels for Fenris after they find Danarius gone and isn't as upset over Fenris' mistrust of mages as he might have been otherwise. Intrigued by Fenris (and his combat capabilities), Mortimer lets him tag along with the rest.
Blackpowder Promise: Mortimer is suspicious when Javaris Tintop hires him to kill Tal-Vashoth bandits but assumes the man knows more of such dealings than him. The Tal-Vashoth are confusing and rather intriguing to him, as are the Qunari, but he ultimately doesn't seek to understand and does the job. When Javaris' arrogance is exposed by the Arishok, Mortimer once again wonders what he got himself into and hopes to have no further dealings with the Qunari, who he feels completely unequipped to interact with.
Wayward Son: Arianni's predicament is one of the few in recent memory that Mortimer genuinely cares about doing, rather than merely seeing it as just a way to get gold. He is pleasantly surprised by Ser Thrask's kindness but does not believe anyone would do better in the Circle than outside of it. When he finds Feynriel, he encourages him to find a home with the Dalish. Although still mostly ignorant of the Dalish elves, he appreciates their openness when it comes to magic as well as coming to recognize the harshness of the Kirkwall alienage.
Enemies Among Us: Mortimer's sympathies are limited for the problems of the templar recruits in Kirkwall but he investigates the missing men anyway, if mainly for the good of their families like Keran's sister Mascha. He gets increasingly worried and interested in what is going on after finding out the magic behind the events. After narrowly escaping Idunna, Mortimer spares her and summons the templars, believing the Circle to be better than death. In Darktown, Mortimer meets Tarohne and thinks she gives apostates a bad name. He frees Keran and is impressed with Merrill's use of blood magic to determine if he is possessed. He stands up to Ser Cullen in the Gallows, vouching for Keran, although he dislikes that the boy is still intent on joining the templars.
Shepherding Wolves: Mortimer is immediately cautious around Sister Petrice, suspicious of her intentions. He doesn't know her motives, however, and figures it's best to help Ketojan. While they journey, Mortimer cannot fathom Ketojan's actions (and lack of action) and attributes them to what he considers the confusing nature of the Qunari. When confronted with by the rest of the Qunari, he talks back too much about magic and instigates a fight. Despite this insolance and his general exasperation with Ketojan, he earns the mage's respect when he doesn't interfere with his intention to die. He cannot understand but realizes that it is not his choice to make. The entire series of events makes him both more and less sympathetic to the Qunari - more sympathetic for individuals but more wary of the Qun. It is enough involvement for him and he only requests payment from Petrice.
Act of Mercy: Mortimer is tentative about helping Ser Thrask with the escaped mages, once again not wanting to draw the ire of the templars. He cares too much about keeping the Starkhaven mages out of the Kirkwall Circle, though, and ultimately aids them. While judgmental of some of the mages for resorting to blood magic, he understands why they did it and does not think it is enough to condemn them. Even so, he refuses to kill the templars as such an action would put a target on his back in his eyes. He also worries that in killing Thrask, a worse templar might be put in his place. He successfully lies to Ser Karras and the mages escape.
The Deep Roads Expedition: Although he had been saving up for the expedition for months, Mortimer is still unsure if the venture will lead anywhere. It is still a break from the monotony of avoiding the templars, however, and he leaves for the Deep Roads with Varric, Carver, and Anders. He dislikes being underground and does not begrudge Anders for his complaining. Like Varric, Mortimer is surprised by Bartrand's betrayal and is determined not to die down in the depths. He panics when Carver becomes ill and insists Anders find the Wardens for them, already feeling guilty for putting his brother in harm's way. He and Carver part on uncertain terms, the urgency of the situation not allowing for a proper goodbye, and Mortimer can't understand why Stroud says they may never see each other again. He returns to the surface dreading Leandra's reaction.
Act 2
In the several years that pass after the Deep Roads Expedition, Mortimer settles comfortably into a life of nobility. His daily life doesn't change over much and he still spends most of his time enjoying the pleasures of life - drinking at The Hanged Man, running card games, visiting The Blooming Rose, and occasionally getting lost in a good book.Repentance: Mortimer had not seen Sebastian Vael much since getting rid of the Flint Company mercenaries several years before, as his visits to the Chantry are infrequent. When they run into each other again and Mortimer learns of Sebastian's new dilemma, he agrees to help. He earns some of Sebastian's respect due to his sympathy for the affected Harimann family, finding Sebastian agreeable and his piety somewhat quaint, befriends the prince.
Night Terrors: Mortimer is happy to help when Arianni requests his aid to save Feynriel, since the danger of getting on the templars' bad side is considerably less when dealing with the Dalish. He sees entering the Fade as an adventure and refuses to entertain the possibility of making Feynriel Tranquil, remembering Karl's despair. Luckily he is able to get through to Feynriel without scaring him, his charm coming in handy, and encourages him to go to Tevinter.
A Bitter Pill: When Fenris is ambushed by slavers, Mortimer agrees to find Hadriana at once. He is just as worried about facing a magister as he was when he met Fenris but feels he owes it to his friend to help him. He hires Orana, the elven slave they rescue, and Mortimer tries to give Fenris hope regarding his sister. He ultimately feels out of his depth, not knowing what to say.
Blackpowder Courtesy: Mortimer is frustrated to be involved with the Qunari again. He does not understand the Arishok and why he created a dangerous trap only to warn Mortimer about it. After Aveline insists Mortimer help, they find and defeat the elf behind the thievery. Mortimer sympathizes with the elf's fears and anger but is tired of the complicated problems in Kirkwall, wishing he could be left alone to his comforts.
The Long Road: Mortimer decides to help Aveline "court" guardsman Donnic out of hope that she might loosen up if she finds a romantic partner again - or at least that she will be too distracted to hound him about his activities. The task is frustrating Mortimer loses patience with Aveline over her continued rudeness towards Isabela, although he does not show his anger.
Dissent: Mortimer is once again worried about interfering with templar business when Anders asks for his help finding proof of the Tranquil Solution. He believes Anders' claims and it is for this reason that he is afraid of becoming a templar target. Mortimer decides to help in the end and hopes that his involvement will remain secret. Anders' loss of control around Ella is alarming and the first time Mortimer genuinely worries about the consequences of Anders' merging with Justice. He nonetheless defends Anders to Ella, telling her that Anders saved her despite what it seems.
Family Matter: Mortimer doesn't really care about Bartrand's whereabouts or what happens to him but, since Varric does, Mortimer tags along for support. The situation inside Bartrand's estate is shocking and disturbing and Mortimer becomes worried for the safety and sanity of himself and the other expedition members. After Anders temporarily clears Bartrand's mind, Mortimer votes to spare him and take him somewhere to be treated.
Mirror Image: Mortimer agrees to help Merrill face Marethari who he has grown to dislike due to her treatment of Merrill. Although unsure about Merrill's blood magic, he has found no reason to doubt her competence and supports her efforts to cleanse the eluvian - even if he doesn't understand why she cares so much about it. After getting it from the Keeper, Mortimer immediately gives the arilun'holm to Merrill.
Offered and Lost: Again at the Viscount and Aveline's insistence, Mortimer gets involved with the Qunari. He is unsurprised but still disgusted at Mother Petrice's behavior and, after defeating Ser Varnell, tells Viscount Dumar not to hide the evidence. Even so, Mortimer still does not think to inform the Arishok of any of these events.
Prime Suspect / All That Remains: Mortimer is annoyed at being asked by Aveline to handle Ser Emeric and his suspicions, seeing it as the job of the Guard. Even so, he agrees with Emeric that his theories have merit and goes to investigate Gascard du Puis mansion. When he encounters Gascard, the man convinces Mortimer that he is also trying to find the murderer and Mortimer allows him to go. Mortimer is extremely worried when Leandra appears to have been targeted by the serial killer and immediately locates Gascard, requesting his aid in finding his mother. The man's behavior is odd to him but he doesn't think much of it, too concerned for Leandra. They find the killer's lair and Mortimer is devastated to learn that Gascard is in cahoots with Quentin, the murderer. He is even more devastated to see what has become of his mother. After Varric kills Gascard and Mortimer kills Quentin, as well as his army of demons, Leandra dies in the guilt-ridden Mortimer's arms.
Following the Qun: Mortimer is not enthusiastic about tracking down Seamus when the boy seems to have made his own choice. Seamus' murder destroys the remaining patience Mortimer has for the Chantry's meddling with the Qunari and he becomes unusually angry at Petrice. He sheds no tears over her death.
To Catch a Thief: Mortimer wastes no time in agreeing to help Isabela reclaim the relic. He does not want to help Aveline anyway, feeling that seeking fugitives under Qunari protection can't lead anywhere good. He is surprised when he finds out what the relic is and, although not entirely happy with Isabela hiding so much, wishes her to have it to ensure her safety. He is hurt and upset when she leaves, understanding why but also worrying about how much she really cares for him.
Demands of the Qun: Mortimer continues to have a bad night when the Arishok reveals his plan to attack Kirkwall. While Mortimer had not been trying too hard to earn the Arishok's respect, he still had grown to sympathize with the Qunari and tried to do right by them and feels strangely betrayed by the Arishok's decision.
Mortimer is worried when he encounters Knight-Commander Meredith who he wished he would never meet. He joins forces with her out of caution, hoping his aid might dissuade her from throwing him to the templars. After rescuing Orsino, Mortimer avoids the question of who should lead by taking control himself, reluctant to speak against Meredith in favor of the First Enchanter. He continues to feel out of his depth confronting the Arishok and only regains some confidence when Isabela returns. He is not eager to duel the Qunari leader but goes through with the fight anyway in an attempt to keep the others safe. Mortimer is somewhat proud of being named Champion but mainly is glad he might have more protection against templar scrutiny.
Act 3
Mortimer's next several years are considerably less happy than previous ones. Still holding onto immense guilt over Leandra, sadness over Isabela's disappearance, and worry over whatever came out of the Deep Roads, he falls deeper into some of his more unhealthy vices such as drinking and risk-taking.Gamlen's Greatest Treasure: Typically disinterested in Gamlen's affairs, Mortimer enjoys following the strange clues left for his uncle. He is pleasantly surprised to meet Charade, having been slowly losing family members, He encourages her to get to know Gamlen, although warns her of his worse qualities.
Alone: Mortimer agrees to accompany Fenris to meet his sister, not knowing how likely it is to be a trap. He is furious when Danarius shows himself but Danarius and his allies are quickly defeated. When Fenris goes to kill Varania, Mortimer actively stays out of it despite feeling like it could be a mistake, as he doesn't think it's his place to interfere.
No Rest for the Wicked: Isabela's request for help with Castillion comes as a relief to Mortimer, who hopes to get him off her tail once and for all. The two effectively roleplay Mortimer betraying her to Castillion's crony but things get tense when Mortimer refuses to let the slaver go - until Isabela agrees that killing him is for the best.
Mark of the Assassin: Mortimer's attraction to the enigmatic Tallis proves a factor in him agreeing to help her. He enjoys himself initially at Chateau Haine, finding the Orlesian hunt and later party a pleasant and entertaining diversion from the happenings in Kirkwall. He also feels thankful that he did not grow up among nobility. It becomes clear to him Tallis is no thief but he does not know or much care about her true motives - until Duke Prosper reveals her as a Qunari. Mortimer is disgruntled at being dragged into a situation with the Qunari again and even more annoyed that Tallis challenges him on his ideas about the Qun. Mortimer still stands by Tallis until the end of her mission, sympathizing with her and feeling like he gave her his word in some manner.
Faith: As ever, Mortimer is reluctant to spend his time helping the Chantry. Sebastian's fears, however, and talk of an Exalted March convince him to meet with Sister Nightingale. He is surprised to see Leliana (who he met at Duke Prosper's party and, he realizes later, in Lothering) and appalled at how the Divine is indeed considering drastic action. He and Anders quietly agree with the Resolutionists, although both are uncomfortable with their use of blood magic.
On The Loose: Mortimer is completely uninterested in helping Meredith after receiving her letter but he fears if he does not meet with her, she will retaliate in some terrible way. He only lightly protests her request, deciding he will only locate the missing mages to help them avoid recapture. He is disappointed and very saddened, therefore, when he is unable to help Huon and Evelina. He is able to find Emile de Launcet before any harm comes to him and convinces the young man to be more careful and escape Kirkwall with his remaining gold. He lies to Meredith about Emile dying and despite her skepticism, Mortimer is greatly relieved to have avoided her ire.
A New Path: When Merrill pleas for his aid in consulting the demon Audacity once more, Mortimer is scared for her and initially refuses. He realizes, however, that she is determined to go through with and agrees to come along to put a stop to her if she is possessed. At Sundermount, Mortimer is worried but also slightly glad that Audacity is no longer there. Marethari's revelation that she let the demon possess her is an unwelcome one to Merrill and Mortimer and they are forced to kill her. Mortimer gives Merrill his support afterwards, agreeing that Marethari should have listened and trusted her. When confronted by the rest of Clan Sabrae, Mortimer defends Merrill further and they leave after avoiding any further conflict.
Haunted: Mortimer comes to the conclusion that the haunting reported in Bartrand's old manor is due to the Veil becoming thin and, although not sure what help he can be, comes along with the magic-ignorant Varric. After he and the others discover the cause of the strange happenings in the house, Mortimer believes they should be rid of the shard. Varric is able to convince the easily swayable Mortimer that he'll be okay if he keeps it but Mortimer questions his decision afterwards.
Justice: Anders' claim that he can separate himself from Justice with a potion comes as good news to Mortimer who knows Anders has been afraid and regretful since merging with the spirit. He is happy to help Anders find ingredients and only becomes suspicious of his true intentions after they are done. He worries Anders is suicidal and perhaps the potion is a more permanent solution to Anders' despair. He does not want to enter into a confrontation with Anders about his real goal, though, and lets the subject drop.
Legacy: Mortimer isn't too worried about Carta dwarves coming after him until he hears from Carver that he has also been targeted. He reunites with his brother to figure out what is going on, bringing along Varric, Isabela and Anders to the Vimmark Mountains. Upon hearing talk of blood and his father Malcolm, Mortimer is alarmed and concerned, becoming even more so when the Carta members tell him they've been consuming darkspawn blood. Before he has fully decided what to do, Mortimer and the others are trapped in the underground fortress. He decides to follow the strange Larius who Carver identifies as a probable Grey Warden. As the group continues their journey, Mortimer discovers more about what being a Warden entails - namely the Calling, a connection to the darkspawn, and seemingly an early death. He feels even more guilt over bringing Carver with him on the Deep Roads Expedition but doesn't reveal these feelings. He also worries for Anders as he struggles with hearing the voice of Corypheus. While they investigate the ruins, Mortimer and Carver discover their father's messages about his future children. Mortimer, who always felt that his father didn't like that two of his children were mages, is hurt at his father's words and lashes out at Carver.
When the group meets Warden Janeka, Mortimer takes Carver and Anders' advice about the danger of talking darkspawn to heart and refuses to help her. He is horrified to hear of Larius' threats toward Malcolm but maintains their alliance nonetheless, seeing Larius' behavior as a separate issue from Corypheus. He is very frightened over the prospect of freeing Corypheus, even if it is to kill him, but feels he must follow in his father's footsteps. Mortimer does not know what to make of Corypheus' ramblings about the Golden City but is inclined to believe he indeed is one of the magisters of legend. After a difficult battle, he and his companions are able to defeat Corypheus and with Larius' thanks, leave the prison. Before they part, Mortimer and Carver attempt to communicate but are still not quite able to do so in the way both secretly want.
The Last Straw: Mortimer is quick to respond when he hears of an especially heated argument between Orsino and Meredith even though he knows nothing he says will help much. He is surprised when Anders comes forward and becomes concerned when Justice starts showing himself. The explosion of the Chantry shocks Mortimer and he is initially horrified by the event. Anders' words, however, speak to him and he realizes that action - and sides - must be taken or else nothing will change. He immediately lends his aid to Orsino and the mages upon Meredith's call for the Circle's destruction and spares Anders' life. Mortimer fears that this night will be the death of him and many of his friends but for once doesn't consider not helping. He is surprised but happy to see Carver and the two brothers, Isabela, and Anders set off for the Gallows.
After fighting through templars and the occassional abomination, Mortimer and his friends reach the Gallows. His humorous facade mostly dropped, Mortimer beseeches Meredith to stop the bloodshed. When she refuses, he convenes with Orsino and the Circle mages in the Gallows prison, and prepares to fight. He still believes their rebellion is doomed but hides his fear for those around him. He is able to connect finally with Carver and also reaffirms his love with Isabela. Due to his fear and exhaustion, Mortimer is almost unsurprised when Meredith reveals herself to be the lyrium idol's mystery buyer. He and his allies battle against Meredith into the night until she is taken over by the idol and turned to stone. The battle now more or less over, a disgusted Mortimer decides to leave Kirkwall for good.
Dragon Age: Inquisition
In the time between leaving Kirkwall and helping the Inquisition, Mortimer lives on Isabela's new ship. The news that Corypheus is still alive disturbs Mortimer and after he finds out every Warden, including Carver, is hearing the Calling, he takes action. Mortimer sends Carver as far away as possible before reconnecting with Stroud. A letter from Varric convinces a reluctant Mortimer to come to Skyhold. Surrounded by the Chantry, Mortimer is uncomfortable at the Inquisition headquarters. When it is revealed Grey Wardens are using blood magic, Mortimer becomes upset with the Wardens out of his fear for his brother's safety. Along with the Inquisitor, Stroud, and several others, Mortimer becomes temporarily trapped in the Fade. When he escapes, he takes on the task of escorting the now exiled Wardens to Weisshaupt.Approval
Mortimer approves of joking, flirting and general friendliness. Squeezing coin out of a given situation also pleases him. He is openly pro-mage and approves of supporting mages and mage freedom. He is easy-going but does not like it if he is called out on his waffling or deflection. He avoids and dislikes conflict and thus instigating conflict will garner disapproval.
Approval icons: +15 -10
In Lothering, Mortimer had several romantic prospects but none that were serious. As the eldest son, and eventual breadwinner, Mortimer had an aversion to responsibility and was disinterested in commitment or marriage to the dismay of his mother. His romances never grew beyond casual involvement.Isabela
Soon after his arrival in Kirkwall, Mortimer encountered Isabela and was immediately infatuated. Although the two openly flirted, nothing came of it for several years and Mortimer was content to remain friends. He and Isabela shared a similar sense of humor and approach to life, as well as similar weaknesses: a reluctance to take firm stances and admit how much they actually care about things. For the first three years they knew each other, Mortimer and Isabela were both casually invovled with other people. In 9:34, the two finally acted on their attraction. Isabela was reluctant to bring feelings into it and Mortimer, although by this point falling in love with her, did not press the matter. They continued to have casual encounters while they grew closer as friends.
Mortimer was quite heartbroken when Isabela left with the relic and very relieved when she returned. Although he said he had always trusted her and she told him he was the reason for her return, Isabela pulled away for several years and Mortimer suppressed most of his sadness. She returned yet again and they reconciled and eventually rekindled their casual relationship, with a smitten Mortimer accepting it would likely be nothing more. After failing to get a ship, Isabela confessed that she was falling for Mortimer and they cemented their relationship. In 9:37, Mortimer fled Kirkwall and spent some time on Isabela's new ship until the two went to help the Inquisition, where Mortimer lied about where Isabela was.
Zevran Arainai
After committing to a relationship with Isabela, the two met up with and helped Zevran escape from the Antivan Crows hunting him. Before they said goodbye, Isabela suggested a threesome and the others agreed.
Mortimer had many one night stands, short affairs and other sexual encounters during his time in Kirkwall. This included Varric, Anders, and Tallis, all of whom he kissed at one point, and trysts with Norah of The Hanged Man, Blooming Rose workers Jethann, Adriano, Denier, and Katriela, and a number of others.
The Alcoholic: An unfortunate extension of his problems coping and the many losses he experiences. Due to his fun loving personality and talent at deflection, most people see him as a fun guy who just frequents the tavern. Fewer see just how often he's got a drink in his hand and how much he depends on it to get by.
Battle Couple: With Isabela.
Berserk Button: Rarely gets noticeably upset, especially angry, but threatening the lives of his loved ones is a sure fire way to break his cool; his mother's murder and brother's kidnapping are prime examples.
Beware the Silly Ones: It takes a lot to anger the laidback Mortimer but when it happens he is scary to behold.
Brilliant but Lazy: Is a witty and skilled mage but doesn't read much or apply himself.
The Charmer: Very charismatic and able to make friends fast.
Common Law Marriage: Neither he nor Isabela are interested in marriage for various reasons but to the outside eye they are all but legally married.
Deadpan Snarker: To the point where it can seem like he never takes anything seriously.
Fatal Flaw: His inability to handle conflict and tendency towards avoidance.
Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: Played with. He was forced to act as the responsible head of the family after his father died but as a sort of rebellion he is prone to gallivanting around. Compared to his younger siblings he seems to take things less seriously despite still being in charge.
The Hedonist: Heavily partakes in drinking, sex and gambling.
Heroes Love Dogs: A true Fereldan in his love for dogs.
Heterosexual Life Partners: With Varric.
Hidden Depths: Underneath his joking, conflict avoidant exterior, he cares deeply about problems happening in the world and also carries an immense amount of guilt and feelings of inferiority.
Icy Blue Eyes: Has pale blue-gray eyes.
Insecure Love Interest: Is this with Isabela (and she with him). Both don't think they're good enough for the other.
It's All My Fault: How he feels about a lot of things that happen: Bethany and his mother's death, Carver becoming a Warden, red lyrium getting out, Corypheus wreaking havoc, and more.
Ladykiller In Love: He really gets around and isn't exactly the poster boy for commitment but falls for Isabela quickly.
Nice Guy: One of the kindest and friendliest people in his group of friends.
Nice, Mean, and In-Between: Between him, Warden Vera, and Inquisitor Lavellan, he is the "Nice" one.
Sad Clown: His main way of coping is through often inappropriate or irreverent humor.
Sibling Rivalry: With Carver. While Carver has his own issues with resentment, Mortimer is the main cause of the continued rift, nursing the grudge and purposely antagonizing his brother.
Mortimer likes gifts that cater to his questionable sense of style, love of animals, or just getting drunk.
Name | Notes | Description |
![]() |
Location: The DeLauncet Estate | Some robust ale that delightfully doesn't taste like rat droppings |
![]() |
Location: The Docks | A chunky, ugly silver ring. |
![]() |
Location: Lirene's Imports | A bag of crispy dog treats. |
Mortimer is a showy fighter and enjoys spectacle. Although he knows healing magic, he rarely works as anything but a damager and cannot be relied upon to play a support or healing role.
Strength | Dexterity | Willpower | Magic | Cunning | Constitution |
14 | 10 | 33 | 78 | 11 | 17 |
Force Mage, Spirt Healer
Weapons | ![]() |
Armor | ![]() |
- I have an excellent sense of dramatic timing. And good hair.
- Hey, I'm a neutral party here.
- Conversation with the Arishok:
- Do you turn so easily from this chaos?
- Why would anyone want to change it? [...] It's a city of people living their lives, for good or ill.
- You hating everything I do is really losing its charm.
- Mortimer was created in 2015
- He was born on the 2nd day of Harvestmere
- He is an ESFP with an enneagram of 9w8
- He is 80% purple, 15% blue and 5% red
- He goes through four different looks during the main campaign
- He is 5'10
- The Hawke family's mabari is named Bann Reginald
- He is Vera Amell's second cousin. The two have Anders, Isabela and Zevran as mutual friends